Kona Rehab + Laha’ole Designs

Kona Rehab

Kona Rehab is dedicated to their community, patients, and island. They have treated local residents for orthopedic, neurological, return to work, and specialty hand care for over 10 years.

In 2021, during the pandemic they expanded to add three additional private treatment areas and a semi-private gym space to keep their patients separated and safe. Last year Kona Rehab launched a pelvic health program focused on improving quality of life for people with pelvic pain, incontinence, pre and post natal needs, and pelvic trauma.

They attend health fairs, distribute screening protocols, and offer free community courses to educate patients and caregivers on conservative treatment options and empower patients to live their lives without the restrictions of incontinence or pain.

Laha’ole Designs

Established in 2013, Laha'ole Designs started when Tanya was on maternity leave with her fourth child. Among the vast sea of talented jewelry makers and designers, Tanya wanted to stand out by forging pieces that were unique, meaningful, and highlighted Native Hawaiian culture.

Drawing inspiration from native Hawaiian flowers as a means to share stories passed down through oral history, their pieces are made to share native Hawaiian culture with others, cultivating an appreciation and awareness of the beauty of Hawai'i.

Lahaʻole Designs supports other local companies in our communities by creating partnerships to encourage growth and stregnthen our community reach. Also, they have an annual small business fundraiser to share and market 50+ small businesses in our community while standing against domestic violence in Hawai'i. All proceeds are then donated to the Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC) and Parents and Children Together (PACT).


Keiki Kaukau


Mohala Eyewear